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EUROPE DAY 欧洲日 2024

来源:本站原创   作者:佚名   时间:2024年05月14日




每年5月9日的欧洲日都是为了庆祝欧洲的和平与团结。这一天是历史性的 “舒曼宣言”(1950年)的周年纪念日,该宣言提出了在欧洲建立新的政治合作形式的想法,这将使欧洲国家之间的战争不可想象。舒曼的提议被认为是现在的欧洲联盟的开端。

上海的欧洲日庆祝活动由EASA组织,并与AAIIC、RICE、雍福会和WhyWhyArt共同举办,并得到了、A home of Science-Italy, ESA,欧盟中国联合创新中心 和最潮声支持。


欧盟日欧洲艺术与科学协会EASA 副会长和WhyWhyArt 创始人Zane Mellupe;前比利时驻华大使Patrick Nijs;拉脱维亚共和国驻中华人民共和国大使Maija Manika;比利时驻上海经济、政治和文化事务领事Frederic Van Kerrebroeck;意大利驻上海领事馆科学专员Vojko Bratina;意大利在华院士协会主席Antonino Marciano;西班牙在华研究人员协会主席David Perez de Lara;上海外国语大学和波兰网络成员Tomasz Ewertowski ICPBR(CEBSIT,CAS)高级研究员和NERBIMEC成员,Goran Angelovski;物理学家和科普作家Carlo Rovelli问候;河南农业大学国际关系客座教授,Beograd“ECPD/U联合国和平协定”大学正教授,Paolo Sabbatini;艺术家Matjaz Tancic;艺术家Andrea Martinez; Professor at the University of Macerata, Cristiana Barbatelli; Gaétan Messin;  来自于浙江大学 和 UTSEUS,Michael Fartaoui; Rosanna Terminio; IC&Partners 上海, Raffaele Tamborrino.


On the 11th of May, 2024, following the tradition of the previous year, we celebrated Europe Day (9th of May) at YongFoo Élite.

The Europe Day celebration in Shanghai was organized by EASA and co-organized with AAIIC, ERA, RICE, YongFoo Élite, WhyWhyArt, and supported by A Home of Science-Italy and ESA, the EU-China Joint Innovation Center, and Dernier Cri.

This year's event featured the following speakers:

- European Arts and Science Association VP  and WhyWhyArt founder, Zane Mellupe 

- Former Ambassador of Belgium in China, Patrick Nijs

- Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia to the People's Republic of China, Maija Manika

- Consul for Economic, Political, and Cultural Affairs of Belgium in Shanghai, Frederic Van Kerrebroeck

- Scientific Attaché by the Consulate of Italy in Shanghai, Vojko Bratina

- President of the Association of the Italian Academicians in China, Antonino Marciano

- President of the Association of Spanish Researchers in China, David Perez de Lara

- Tomasz Ewertowski from Shanghai International Studies University and member of Polish Network

- Goran Angelovski, Senior Investigator at ICPBR (CEBSIT, CAS) and member of NERBIMEC

- Carlo Rovelli, Physicist and popular science writer

- Paolo Sabbatini, Visiting Professor of International Relations at the Agriculture University of Henan and Full Professor at the "ECPD/Upeace est. by the United Nations" University in Beograd

- Artists Matjaz Tancic and Andrea Martinez

- Professor at the University of Macerata, Cristiana Barbatelli

- Gaétan Messin

- Michael Fartaoui from Zhejiang University and UTSEUS

- Rosanna Terminio

- Raffaele Tamborrino from IC&Partners Shanghai

The event aimed to bring together arts and science associations, researchers, creatives, and various EU diaspora representatives to commemorate and celebrate the values that unite people, as well as the importance of dialogue and inclusiveness.

Special thanks to Yongfoo Elitè




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 以下是对 [EUROPE DAY 欧洲日 2024] 的评论,总共:0条评论




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  • 心源·藏域——王万成从艺40年中国
  • 金吉儿受邀参加中国西藏古珠及艺






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